A great week so far for Helleday Laboratory postdoc Sean Rudd
Our postdoc fellow Sean Rudd is having a good week so far. On Wednesday he was awarded the ”SciLifeLab Highlight of the year 2016”- prize at the SciLifeLab summit, and yesterday he received 200 000 SEK from the Alex and Eva Wallström Foundation for a proposal on SAMHD1! Congratulations and well done Sean! (photo by […]
Congratulations Saeed Eshtad, PhD!
The Helleday lab wishes to congratulate Saeed Eshtad on a successful thesis defence on Monday February 13th! Saeeds’s thesis is called “Targeting DNA repair pathways for cancer therapy” and the aim of the thesis was to identify and understand if factors important in DNA repair of lesions caused by oxidative stress can be targeted to […]