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New publication in Nature Communications

18 February 2025

Drug development is hard, arguably one of the most complex processes existing. For every drug that gets approved in the end, 10,000 molecules need to be designed, made and tested. The ’easy’ targets have already been addressed, so there is no low-hanging fruit anymore. Furthermore the synthetically accessible space is increasing at an enormous pace, which makes it technically challenging to select relevant molecules to start a project. Fragment-based drug discovery has evolved as an efficient strategy to generate tractable starting points for lead generation, and has so far delivered 6 approved drugs, with many being progressed in ongoing clinical trials. In collaboration with Jens Carlsson at Uppsala University, and Pål Stenmark at Stockholm University, we have combined in silico fragment screening of millions of fragments with x-ray crystallography to identify novel inhibitors for the DNA repair enzyme OGG1, a difficult-to-drug target. Subsequent fragment elaboration using searches among billions of readily synthesizable compounds yielded submicromolar inhibitors with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects in cells.

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Thomas Helleday awarded the Anders Jahre Award for Medical Research 2024

15 August 2024

The Anders Jahre Award for Medical Research 2024 is given to Professor Lauri Aaltonen, University of Helsinki, and Professor Thomas Helleday, Karolinska Institutet. The Anders Jahre Award for Young Researchers goes to Associate Professor Nicolai Albrechtsen and Associate Professor Nicholas Taylor, both University of Copenhagen.

Thomas Helleday says: “I am deeply honoured to be recognised by the Anders Jahre Prize. The credit for the achievement goes to the entire team that dared to break new grounds and not follow well-trodden paths. Our new research directions have been met by scepticism from researchers that felt challenged or did not look deeply into the scientific details. Now, many of these early ideas have developed into well-established treatments or research areas. My hope is that the prize may serve as an inspiration for young researchers to try unconventional approaches to challenge the big questions”.

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Thomas Helleday awarded SEK 20 Million from the Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation

28 March 2024

The Wallenberg Scholars program aims to provide leading researchers in Sweden with grants for free research. Following a comprehensive international peer review, the Foundation has chosen to fund 118 researchers for five years, providing up to SEK 18 million each for researchers in theoretical subjects and up to SEK 20 million each for researchers in experimental subjects. Of the 29 medical researchers awarded this year’s Scholar grants, 19 are active at Karolinska Institutet. Thomas Helleday is one of the awardees, receiving SEK 20 million during 5 years.

As a Wallenberg Scholar, Professor Helleday hopes to develop a new type of therapeutic method for treating diseases and ageing. His aim is to produce more efficacious drugs through the development of new, biochemical treatment methods.

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We cracked the detailed mechanism of how MTHFD1/2 inhibitors work

03 April 2023

We are extremely proud to publish in Nature Metabolism the detailed mechanism on how our MTHFD1/2 inhibitors work and why they specifically kill cancer cells. This constitutes a new major attack on cancer and we are excited to see how it works in the clinic. 

Read the full article here